Can you still get into your dream school if you don’t get accepted?

The latest post from our resident high school student. Sydney takes a look at a couple of examples of ways students can get into the school of their choice if they don't get accepted directly. What happens in the not so ideal scenario that…

3 Reasons Seniors Should Feel Relieved When the Application Deadline Hits

January 1st of your senior year, the beginning of the waiting game (oh, and New Year’s Day). For most colleges January first is the deadline to submit applications thus marking the two month countdown (approximately) to the day you find out.…

What Do College Applications and Chewing Gum Have in Common?

We asked one of our assistant coaches, Sydney, to give us an opinion about college applications from someone who is going through the process right now. Here are her thoughts. Imagine you’re in the checkout line at Costco, having just eaten…