Map Your Major

Discover Your Path with Map Your Major

Embark on a journey to uncover the future with Map Your Major. Map Your Major is designed to align your child’s unique interests, skills, values, and aspirations with potential college majors and career paths, ensuring a personalized roadmap to success.

Our Process:

Meeting 1: Start by diving deep into what makes your child unique. This session is dedicated to understanding their interests, skills, values, and dreams. We introduce YouScience, an innovative career aptitude test, and set up their account.

Meeting 2: Your child will complete the YouScience assessment, a comprehensive two-hour journey of self-discovery. Following the assessment, they are encouraged to explore their results and identify at least five captivating career options.

Meeting 3: Together, we’ll explore the YouScience results, delving into the career options your child found appealing. We’ll then bridge the gap between these careers and potential college majors, crafting a list of possibilities that resonate with their aspirations.

Meeting 4: In our concluding session, we address any lingering questions, refining the list of majors to ensure your child has 2-3 solid, exciting paths to consider. Together, we develop a unique action plan, allowing them to explore these majors at the schools identified as their best fit.

Map Your Major is more than a service; it’s a partnership in your child’s future. By combining personal insights with professional guidance, we help your child navigate the complex landscape of college majors and career options, ensuring they are well-equipped to make more informed decisions as they begin their college application process.

Let’s illuminate the path to your child’s success together. Map Your Major and set the course for a bright, fulfilling future.

Invest in your future: $795